


2021年8月に実施されましたInternational Conference on Biomass and Bioenergy 2021 (ICBB2021)で発表した論文が、以下の雑誌(オンライン)にて掲載されました。
  1. Daisuke Hara, Shan Miao, Junnosuke Shimogawa, Noboru Katayama and Kiyoshi Dowaki; A suitable design of metal hydride cartridge for a fuel cell assisted bicycle in consideration of heat transfer performance, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science Vol.1034, 012049 (12 pages) (2022.6),
    doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/1034/1/012049
    筆頭著者:原大介さん (2021年度修士卒)
  2. Akihiro Oki, Takuma Kanemura and Kiyoshi Dowaki; Combined evaluation of quality and eco-burdens of the hydrocarbon refrigerant GF-08 in tomato greenhouse air conditioning, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science Vol.1034, 012067 (12 pages) (2022.6),
    doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/1034/1/012067
    筆頭著者:沖慧弘さん (2021年度修士卒)
  3. Kento Torii and Kiyoshi Dowaki; LCA analysis and quantification of adsorption performance of Kanuma clay by simultaneous adsorption of H2S and NH3, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science Vol.1034, 012068 (10 pages) (2022.6),
    doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/1034/1/012068
    筆頭著者:鳥居憲人さん (現在,修士2年)