Tokyo University of Science
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Faculty of Science and Technology


Tokyo University of Science
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Science and Technology

Takahashi laboratory

Snapshots of research work and laboratory
Dislocation dynamics analysis of precipitation strengthening Dislocation shielding effect at crack tip DFM(Dislocation Fracture Mechanics) analysis of surface crack

Area of expertise
Computational mechanics
Materials science
Materials strength

Research theme
Multiscale materials modeling of strengthening mechanism for metals and alloys
Study on the dynamics of lattice defects Fatigue and ductile crack growth simulation using (s-version) finite element method

Laboratory profile
We are working on the computer simulation of dynamics of lattice defects in metals. By simulating the dynamics of lattice defects on computers, microscopic mechanism of strengthening technique for metals and alloys are investigated. The influence of the microscopic mechanism on the macroscopic deformation behavior of the metals and alloys is modeled for enabling the quantitative evaluation of the strengthening by the technique as well. In addition, fracture mechanics analysis of cracks using dislocations and ductile fracture analysis are conducted.

Instractor: Akiyuki TAKAHASHI
