
1. 村川正宏,河西勇二,安達敏男,高須賀馨,吉澤修治,樋口哲也 : 進化型アナログLSI -遺伝的アルゴリズムによる製造誤差への適応-, 電気学会論文誌C, vol. 121-C, no. 1, pp. 134-141, 2001.

2. Kazuyuki HIRAOKA, HAMAHIRA Masashi, Ken-ichi HIDAI, HiroshiMIZOGUCHI, Taketoshi MISHIMA, and Shuji YOSHIZAWA : Fast algorithm for online linear discriminant analysis, IEICE Transactions Fundamental of Electronics, Communications and Computer Science, Vol. E84-A, pp.1431-1434, 2001.

3. Yutaka Sakai : "Neuronal integration mechanisms have little effect on spike auto-correlations of cortical neurons", Neural Networks vol.14, no.9, pp.1145-1152, 2001. 


1. Yutaka SAKAI, Shuji YOSHIZAWA, Hiroshi OHNO : Interpretation of inter-spike interval statistics through the Markov switching Poisson process, Proc. of 8th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, vol.2, pp.897-902, 2001. 

2. Kenichi HIDAI, Hiroshi MIZOGUCHI, Kazuyuki HIRAOKA, Masaru TANAKA, Takaomi SHIGEHARA, and Taketoshi MISHIMA, Robust Face Detection Against Brightness Fluctuation and Size Variation, Proc. of 2000 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System, pp.1379-1384, 2000.

3. Kazuyuki HIRAOKA, Ken-ichi HIDAI, Hiroshi MIZOGUCHI, Taketoshi MISHIMA, and Shuji YOSHIZAWA : Fast algorithm for online linear discriminant analysis, International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems Computers and Communications, pp.274-277, 2000.

4. Kazuyuki HIRAOKA, Ken-ichi HIDAI, Hiroshi MIZOGUCHI, Taketoshi MISHIMA, and Shuji YOSHIZAWA : One-parameter family of nonlinear dynamics for online linear discriminant analysis, 2000 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, pp.149-152, 2000. 

5. Kazuyuki HIRAOKA, Shuji YOSHIZAWA, Ken-ichi HIDAI, Masashi HAMAHIRA, Hiroshi MIZOGUCHI, and Taketoshi MISHIMA : Convergence Analysis of Online Linear Discriminant Analysis, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), III-387-391(CD-ROM), 2000. 

6. Kazuyuki Hiraoka, Ken-ichi HIDAI, Masashi Hamahira, Hiroshi MIZOGUCHI, Tanaka MISHIMA, and Shuji YOSHIZAWA : Successive Learning of Linear Discriminant Analysis : Sanger-type Algorithm, 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, pp. 664-667, 2000. 

7. Kazuyuki HIRAOKA, Ken-ichi HIDAI, Hiroshi Mizoguchi, Taketoshi Mishima, and Shuji Yoshizawa : Online LDA which can perform both successive learning and incremental learning, The 4th. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, pp. 96-101, 2000. 

8. Kazuyuki HIRAOKA, Soichiro MORISHITA, Hiroshi MIZOGUCHI, and Taketoshi MISHIMA : Person Identification from Binary Silhouette Image of Full-length Body, Proc. of the 2000 International Symposium on Mechatronics and Intelligent Mechanical System for 21 Century, pp. 23-26, 2000.

9. Yutaka SAKAI, Shuji YOSHIZAWA, and Shigeru SHINOMOTO : Double stochastic Poisson processes can reproduce spiking statistics of cortical neruons, Proc. of 7th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pp.958-963, 2000.

10. Yutaka SAKAI, and Shuji YOSHIZAWA : Analysis of inter-spike interval statistics of cortical neurons, Abstracts of the joint meetings of the 23rd annual meetings of the Japan Neuroscience Society and the 10th annual meeting of the Japanese Neural Network Society, pp. S25, 2000.

11. Soichiro MORISHITA, Kazuyuki HIRAOKA, Hiroshi MIZOGUCHI, and Taketoshi MISHIMA : Robust Online LDA by Adaptive Tuning of Learning Coefficient, Proc. of The 2001 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers, and Communications, pp. 945-948, 2001.

12. AZUMI Hiroshi, Kazuyuki HIRAOKA, and Taketoshi MISHIMA : Interpolation on data with multiple attributes by a neural network, Proc. of the ITC-CSCC 2002, International Technical Conference on Circuits/System, Computers and Communications, pp.814-817, 2002.

13. KAMIOKA Reina, KURATA Kouji, Kazuyuki HIRAOKA, and Taketoshi MISHIMA: Unsupervised Classification of Multiple Attributes via Autoassociative Neural Network, Proc. of the ITC-CSCC 2002, International Technical Conference on Circuits/System, Computers and Communications, pp.798-801, 2002.

14. Kazuyuki HIRAOKA, and Taketoshi MISHIMA: Complementary Discriminant Analysis for Classification of Double Attributes, Proc. of the ITC-CSCC 2002, International Technical Conference on Circuits/System, Computers and Communications, pp.806-809, 2002.

15. Masaomi NISHIMURA, Kazuyuki HIRAOKA, and Taketoshi MISHIMA: Dimensionality Reduction for Pattern Recognition Based on Difference of Distribution among Classes, Proc. of the ITC-CSCC 2002, International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications, pp.1670-1673, 2002.

16. Kazuyuki HIRAOKA, and Taketoshi MISHIMA: Classification of double attributes via mutual suggestion between a pair of classifiers, Proc. of 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pp.1852-1856, 2002.

17. Yutaka SAKAI: Spike independency in feed-forward networks, Proc. of 4th International Workshop Neural Coding 2001, p.43, 2001.

18. Kosuke OKABE, Ken-ichi HIDAI, Hiroshi MIZOGUCHI, Kazuyuki HIRAOKA, Takaomi SHIGEHARA, Masaru TANAKA, Taketoshi MISHIMA, and Shuji YOSHIZAWA: Human Walk Pitch Extraction by Interactively Trainable Robot Vision for Human-Robot Synchronized Walking, Proc. of AMAM'03, SaP-I-4(1)-(5), 2003.

19. Kosuke OKABE, Hiroshi MIZOGUCHI, Takaomi SHIGEHARA, Kazuyuki HIRAOKA, TANAKA Masaru, and Taketoshi MISHIMA: Face Detection System by Camera Array that Satisfies both Wide View and High Resolution, Proc. of AROB 8th '03, pp.665-668, 2003.


1. 平岡 和幸, 濱平 仁: 逐次学習型の線形判別分析アルゴリズムについて- 学習アルゴリズムの提案と局所収束性の証明-, 電子情報通信学会技報, NC99-73, pp. 85-92, 1999.

2. 平岡和幸, 日台健一, 濱平仁, 溝口博, 重原孝臣, 三島健稔: オンライン線形判別分析アルゴリズムの導出とこれを用いた顔判別, 第5回ロボティクスシンポジア, 13C4, pp.226-231, 2000.

3. 平岡和幸 日台健一 濱平仁 溝口博 三島健稔 吉澤修治: 逐次学習型線形判別分析アルゴリズムの性能比較, 第19回ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会予稿集, pp.737-738, 2000.

4. 酒井裕: Synfire chain and Independency propagation, 日本物理学会第55回年次大会, 講演概要集55 巻, 2 号, p.256, 2000.

5. 森下壮一郎, 平岡和幸, 溝口博, 三島健稔: オンライン線形判別分析の頑健化に向けた学習係数の自動調節, 電子情報通信学会 2000年情報・システムソサイエティ大会講演論文集, p.217, 2000. 

6. 村岡太郎,酒井裕,吉澤修治: 二次元動画像からの動作情報の抽出, 第11回日本神経回路学会講演論文集, pp.115-116, 2001.

7. 酒井裕,中原裕之,甘利俊一: 順方向性神経回路網を安定に伝播する多様なスパイク相関,第11回日本神経回路学会講演論文集, pp.175-176, 2001.

8. 岡部公輔, 日台健一, 平本真事, 溝口博, 平岡和幸, 重原孝臣, 三島健稔, 吉澤修治: 認識対象パターンの対話的教示が可能なOLDAベース任意画像パターン認識システム, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2002)講演論文集(II), pp.159-160, 2002.

9. 日台健一, 岡部公輔, 溝口博, 平岡和幸, 重原孝臣, 三島健稔, 吉澤修治: オンライン線形判別分析に基づく適応的顔認識システムの構築, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2002)講演論文集(II), pp.157-158, 2002.

10. 駄竹清秀, 酒井裕, 吉澤修治: 両眼競合知覚の神経機構, 電子情報通信学会技報, NC2002-20, pp.7-12, 2002.

11. 丸山大樹, 岡部公輔, 溝口博, 平岡和幸, 重原孝臣, 田中勝, 三島健稔, 吉澤修治: 人とロボットの歩行同期に向けた神経振動子の視覚刺激への引き込みシミュレーション, 第21回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 3H26, 2003.]

12. 岡部公輔, 溝口博, 丸山大樹, 平岡和幸, 重原孝臣, 三島健稔, 吉澤修治: 人とロボットの歩行同期のための視覚による踵追跡・歩行ピッチ抽出, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'03, 2P2-3F-B6(1)-(2), 2003.

13. 酒井裕, 吉澤修治: STDPによるシナプスパターンの競合と調節のメカニズム, 電子情報通信学会技報, NC2003-21, pp. 1-6, 2003. 
[吉澤グループ 論文リスト]